Thursday, September 19, 2013

Here's Why You Should Be Networking

Networking.  In many ways it's like flossing, exercising, and eating right.  We know we should do it, but we never seem to get around to it.  And if we do, it's sporadic at best.  So why don’t we network effectively?  I surmise a main reason is because we generally don’t experience the full benefits of networking at the time we are doing it.  Many of the benefits may not be realized until far down the road.  However, in today’s instant gratification culture, that’s usually not good enough to warrant our attention. 

So, assuming you need a little motivation to help keep your networking efforts further up your priority list, try thinking with this mindset.  All jobs are temporary.  The days of working for the same company your entire career are long gone.  Median job tenure for 2012 was 4.7 years.  Over the course of a typical career, that equates to over 9 different jobs.  Go in with the mindset that all jobs are temporary and you will realize how important it is to network.  Here’s a few ideas to help you get the most out of your networking efforts.  Some other good points on networking can be found at Amazing Business, Help Guide, Passive Panda, and About.