Sunday, June 7, 2015

Humor: The Commute

It’s that time of year when schools let out for the summer.  It’s no doubt a challenging transition for parents to keep the kiddos busy until the school year starts up again.  But there’s one very good thing about summer recess… the work commute gets better!  No more traffic jams in front of the multiple schools you pass by on the way to work.  No more stay at home parents on the roads taking kids to school during the commute time.  No more school buses stopping every other block.  Depending on your route, this could shave a ton of time off your summer commute.  Enjoy it for a couple months! 

While the school-related delays are annoying, there’s an endless list of other frustrating factors to our daily commutes.  Like most people, some tick me off more than others.  But as I’ve gotten older (or as I call it, more mature and wise), I’ve gotten less ‘road-rage-ish’ and more ‘it is what it is-ish.’  Although many of these are general driving annoyances, they become amplified during the morning and evening commutes.  Here’s some of the most annoying pet peeves of the daily commute: