Monday, April 23, 2012

Spare Me the Stretch Goals

Daniel Markovitz has a great article on the Harvard Business Review blog about stretch goals.  In my many different work experiences, stretch goals have rarely ever worked.  Most of the time, the carrot ends up being just too far ahead and is never reached.  Translation: Why bother. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Career Passion Myth

Penelope Trunk has an interesting article on what she calls the career passion myth.  While I don't think the idea of happiness boiling down to engagement in what we do is earth shattering, I do think it gets brushed aside far too often. 
You've heard the phrase, "It's about the journey, not the destination."  Unfortunately, in our work lives (and quite possibly all other areas too), it's almost always about the end game only.  Finish the project, get the promotion, take on more responsibility, get that management role (or take on more staff).  It's great to have goals and add value to your organization, no doubt about it.  But do we ever stop to figure out if the work is the best fit for us?  Is the journey through the day-to-day working for us?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Facebook COO Leaves Work at 5:30?!

I did a double-take when I first read it!  A COO in the heart of Silicon Valley leaving work at 5:30 every day?!  Were pigs flying?  Was this the 7th sign?  Had hell frozen over?

It is VERY refreshing to see a prominent employee, especially one who works for a tech company no less, taking back her life.  I especially liked the way Sheryl emphasized this is something for men too, not just women.  Maybe one-by-one, we will begin to see more people doing the same.  It would be nice to begin to see the pendulum swinging in the other direction towards a more balanced life.

*** UPDATE:  I've seen a few more articles on this "big news."  Sooooooo sad that it's considered worthy of media coverage.  Here's a link to CNN's article: