Monday, February 27, 2012

Flipping the Switch When You Leave Work

The Wharton School has an interesting article about employees "flipping the switch" when they leave work.  Many questions abound.  Can they?  Will they?  Should they?  Are they? 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Work-Life Balance Advice That Makes Sense

Over the years, I've read a bunch of articles that claimed to be about work-life balance, but were really all about time management techniques.  True work-life balance is very different.  In this 10-minute TEDTalk, Nigel Marsh does a fantastic job getting to the core issues of work-life balance.  This may be the best synopsis I've ever heard in trying to gain true work-life balance.  Well worth the listen.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Work-Life Balance. It's Really about Choices.

Work-life balance is not easy.  It's not a myth either.  What it really boils down to is choices.  Just like anything in life, your choices define your past, present, and future.  You own your life.  How you set priorities for your life will dictate how your work-life situation will look. 

Anne Egros depicts this process of prioritization through the Wheel of Life.  I love this visualization.  Plus, my car wouldn't make it a mile down the road if my tires were in the same shape as my Wheel of Life!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Humor: Top 7 Reasons to Leave Work by 5:00

Since our culture currently overemphasizes the amount of time we should spend at work, it's unlikely you can openly say "I'm leaving work now because I want to enjoy the other areas of my life."  So here's a list of some other options to get out the door by 5:00! 

1.  I HAVE to leave now in order to beat traffic.  (Be careful, the boss may counter with "You're better off staying until 6:30. You won't have to deal with traffic then and you'll probably get home around the same time.")

2.  I've got to pick up my child at daycare before it closes.  (I've heard of people who considered lying about having kids in order to use this one!  How sad is that?!)

3.  I need to get home to let my dog out.  (Faking a pet may be better than trying to fake a kid!)