Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Humor: Beat the Heat

As much of the country has recently gone through a solid 7-10 day intense heat wave with 100+ degree temperatures, everyone has been trying to beat the heat.  How we ever got by before A/C is a mystery to me.  Always on the lookout for ways to gain an advantage at work, it got me thinking.  How can we use a heat wave and the usual precautions to our advantage at work?

  1. "Stay hydrated.  Drink plenty of water regularly, even if you do not feel thirsty."  Sounds like the perfect reason to hang by the water cooler (for your health's sake of course).
  2. "Check on the welfare of family, friends, and loved ones."  Sure they are personal calls, but it's better to be safe than sorry to make sure your loved ones are safe (for their health's sake of course).
  3. "Slow down and avoid strenuous activity.  Do not try to do too much on a hot day."  OK, if I must (for your health's sake of course).
  4. "Make sure you do not overheat, which could lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke."  Hey boss, how about getting ice cream for everyone (OK, this one isn't for your health's sake, but who doesn't like ice cream)?
  5. "Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing."  If your workplace dress code is business professional, here's a good time to try to get them to ease the rules for a few days (for your health's sake of course).
  6. "Stay indoors as much as possible."  How about avoiding the heat entirely?  May I work from home, boss (for your health's sake of course)?

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