"I need someone who can come in and hit the ground running."
Translation: I don't plan to spend any time training you, so you better be able to figure it out yourself.
"When will you have that report finished?"
Translation: I want that report now.
"I had a great time!"
Translation: I can't wait to post this on Facebook!
Translation: That sounds like fun, but I'm going to wait to see if something better comes along before I commit.
"I can't seem to find your e-mail. Could you re-send it?"
Translation: I'm so sorry, but my organizational skills are awful.
(Dentist during appointment) "Have you been flossing?"
Translation: Clearly, I can tell you haven't been flossing.
(From significant other) "Don't buy me flowers. They are a total waste of money."
Translation: It would still be nice to get flowers every now and then.
"I'm kind of busy right now. Could you come back later?"
Translation: GO AWAY!!
(When someone at work announces they are leaving for another job) "It's such a great opportunity. I just couldn't pass it up."
Translation: I just couldn't take my overbearing boss and the dysfunctional culture of this company anymore!
"Just sayin."
Translation: I know you may not want or care for my opinion, but I'm giving it to you anyway.
"Can you give me a little more direction on this?"
Translation: I'm not a freakin' mind reader! What the heck do you want?!
"The system I'm supporting is going to be retired soon."
Translation: Please let me know if you find any job leads for me.
"We've had a lot of systems issues lately."
Translation: I have no idea what's causing this problem.
"This will just take a second."
Translation: I don't really care what you're working on now. Just help me with my problem now.
"It is what it is."
Translation: Can we just move on already.
"We have leveraged opportunities to reorganize the work."
Translation: We eliminated a few positions and got rid of some deadweight.
"It's a paycheck."
Translation: If I ever win the lottery, I will be out of here in a heartbeat!"
(Announcing someone is leaving the company) "He wants to spend more time with his family."
Translation: He was fired.
(Introducing new employee) "We look forward to the fresh, new perspective that Jane Doe will bring to the organization."
Translation: She was the only person willing to accept our bottom of the barrel salary offer.
(Group lingering in conference room at the scheduled start time of your meeting) "You guys wrapping up soon?"
Translation: Get the heck out now so I can start my meeting!!
"That's how I'd do it."
Translation: That's how you should do it.
(Interview question) "Are you flexible in responding to changing demands?"
Translation: I change my mind all the time so I need to be sure you are OK with that.
This is great!